How Poor Air Quality Affects Your Eyes

Sep 12, 2023

Man rubbing eyes.

Man rubbing eyes.


How Poor Air Quality Affects Your Eyes

Are you seeing the air quality alerts on your weather app, day after day? Air pollution is a growing concern in many areas, and its impact goes beyond respiratory health. It can also have negative effects on your eyes. In this article, we will explore how poor air quality can affect your eyes and provide tips on how to protect them.

The Dangers of Pollutants

The moist tissues in your eyes can easily absorb pollutants present in the air. Short-term exposure can lead to irritation and inflammation, while long-term exposure can increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Spending a significant amount of time outdoors when the air quality is poor can further elevate your risk of eye problems.

Conjunctivitis and Allergies

Airborne pollutants can trigger conjunctivitis, commonly known as “pink eye.” Conjunctivitis causes redness, itching, burning, foreign body sensation, and light sensitivity. While viruses, bacteria, and chemicals can cause conjunctivitis, air quality also plays a role, especially among people with allergies. Research has shown a correlation between high levels of pollutants and an increase in cases of allergic conjunctivitis.

Dry Eyes and Blurry Vision

Pollution can contribute to dry eye syndrome, causing symptoms like itchiness, discomfort, and blurry vision. The tear film that lubricates the sensitive tissues of the eyes dries out due to pollution, leading to these symptoms. Studies have established a link between higher ozone levels, lower humidity levels, and an increased incidence of dry eye.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Poor air quality may also increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition that affects central vision. AMD is more prevalent among individuals over the age of 60 or those with a family history of the disease. However, recent research suggests that exposure to fine particle air pollution can contribute to the development of AMD.

Protecting Your Eyes

While it may be challenging to avoid pollution entirely, you can take steps to protect your eyes from its harmful effects:

  1. Check Air Quality Forecasts: Before planning outdoor activities, consult air quality forecasts available on weather websites. If the air quality is unhealthy, consider rescheduling your plans if possible.
  2. Wear Sunglasses or Eyeglasses: Invest in wrap-around sunglasses or eyeglasses to shield your eyes from pollutants. They provide the most comprehensive protection against airborne irritants.
  3. Use Lubricating Eye Drops: Using lubricating eye drops helps keep your eyes moist and comfortable, alleviating dry eye symptoms caused by pollution.
  4. Increase Humidity: Combat dry eyes by using a humidifier in your home. Increasing humidity levels can prevent your eyes from feeling even drier.
  5. Opt for Glasses Instead of Contact Lenses: Contact lenses can trap pollutants against your eyes, increasing the risk of dry eye and conjunctivitis. On days when the air quality is poor, switch to wearing glasses instead.
  6. Consult Your Optometrist: If you experience persistent eye irritation or inflammation that doesn’t improve after a day or two, contact your optometrist. They can prescribe eye drops to alleviate redness, irritation, and other symptoms.

Poor air quality poses real risks to your eyes. Taking proactive measures to protect your eyes from pollutants is essential. By checking air quality forecasts, wearing protective eyewear, using lubricating eye drops, and increasing humidity, you can minimize the adverse effects of poor air quality on your eyes. Regular consultation with your Blumenstock optometrist is also crucial for maintaining optimal eye health.

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